Bending down, the kibbles began to shower gently into the kitties’ food dishes when a sickening thud hit the screen of the lanai. Turning toward the sound, my eyes were met with a small, helpless Sparrow lying in vulnerability on the bricks outside the side door. Shuddering and twisting in obvious pain, I carefully scooped the delicate fowl from the walkway. Now shivering with shock and injury, I brought the tiny creature close to my body as I began to pray: “Spirit of the Living God, I come to you in need...”
As I continued in prayer, I watched the helpless feathered creation turn a black bead-like eye toward my face and draw one final breath before it withdrew in limp lifelessness. Tears welling up in my eyes, I began to feel the tightening of my heaving chest as a lump formed in my throat. Waves of emotion and pain now began to fill me - and I stood as vulnerable as that tiny bird had lain on the brick walk before me. Softly and tenderly, I began to sense the prompting of my Lord - calling me to assess the situation in careful and timely thought. Regarding the frail and beautiful creature lying without life in my hand, I heard Jesus whispering to me in love: “not one sparrow shall fall to the ground without your Father in Heaven knowing it ... and do not forget that you are of more value than many sparrows to Him.” (Matthew 10: 29 and 31)
Now openly weeping in awe and worship to the One who had seen fit to use me to comfort one of His precious creatures during its last moments of pain in life - and simultaneously comforting and instructing me in a valuable spiritual lesson during a time in my own life that was raw, vulnerable, and painful. It was then that I knew that He hears my cries in the darkness of the night and attends to the smallest of my needs.
“Oh the mercies of God are new every morning - and great is His faithfulness. The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeks Him.” (Lamentations 3: 23-25 adapted)
What a true and heart filled word everyone needs to hear. Thank you for bring the to us....