Blog 193 – Sunday, July 12, 2009 Florida’s rainy season continues with morning showers and a warm muggy day – temperatures in the high 80’s.
Steamy, hot coffee in hand, I made my way to the den for a quiet time with my thoughts and prayers. Sipping the aromatic brew of freshly ground beans; my body sinks comfortably into the ultra suede chair that I have claimed as my own. The view from the bay windows overlooking the front yard reveals a peaceful drizzle of rain falling around and through the azaleas which cozy up to the front of the house and I silently give thanks for the summer rainy season which has graciously descended on Tampa Bay. Leafing through my prayer journal, my eyes fall upon rows and rows of needs – large and small and so I settle in for a personal exchange with my Lord. Loving quotations and words of wisdom, a short sentence scribbled in the margin of my Bible says: “When I pray, coincidences happen, and when I don’t pray, they don’t. – William Temple”. Preferring the word serendipity to coincidence, I still understand this comment penned by the 20th century theologian and looking over my prayer journal, I marvel at the faithfulness imparted to me when I take time to breathe my requests to my heavenly father. Realizing over the years, that it is not formula or eloquence that powers a prayer but, rather a plea from the heart – pure and simple. I am so grateful for this, as it frees my ability to draw closer and leave my petitions on the threshold of grace. My prayers can be spontaneous and quick, tearful and wrenching, troubled and questioning or just as often, they emerge from my soul with melancholy – poetic and with color. I seem to find prayer in my mouth (though often silently) at the sink when washing dishes and behind the wheel when driving to the store or on my knees weeding the garden, even watching television when my inner being is urged to intercede for a person on the screen before me. Prayer is as much a part of me as breathing in and out. It is a joy and privilege to get the of ear of the king anywhere – anytime and this morning is no different as I sit quietly and relish in the joy of the day ahead.
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