Moving more each day into purpose and purity of my Lord’s plan for my life - He is ever placing before me, words of encouragement and truth - the focus of which repeats itself with a ringing trinity: “mercy, grace, and love”.
The tenderness of these concepts bring me to my knees with magnified, tearful emotions welling within at the thoughts of His great sacrifice for me. It is then that I am reminded with surety of His careful plan for my life - leaving no room in my thoughts for doubt or question. All theology and religion crumbling around me, “I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep which I have committed unto Him until that day.” - II Timothy 1:12
All anxious questioning dissolves as I approach the path before me with trust in His purpose for me. Though darkness shrouds my once-laid plans - the testing of my faith and the strengthening of my resolve moves me to the finish line. Decades of service and choice to follow Him now truly reveal that: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways, declares the Lord” - Isaiah 55:8.
Now trembling with awe, I seek the ability to learn to “consider it pure joy...whenever I (you) face trials of many kinds.” - James 1:2 and to successfully move through hardship in order to enter the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22)
There is so much I like about your June 16th blog. Your words;
ReplyDelete"the focus of which repeats itself with a ringing trinity: “mercy, grace, and love”.
I found so profound and interesting. The trinity of inseparable mercy, grace and love can work in so many ways in our life if we apply them to everything we do. Thank you for the post.