Blog 200 – Sunday, July 19, 2009 Sunny and hot with afternoon thunderstorm, temperatures in the low 90’s.
The easy, relaxed feel of a Sunday afternoon is always magnified by the sound of rain steadily falling – tap, tap, tapping on the windows, and pouring from the edge of the roof onto the Azaleas, soaking into the flower beds and causing the grass to shimmer like a carpet of emeralds. My resident squirrels scamper from tree to tree, grabbing peanuts from the wooden box on the side of the large Oak in my garden. Seeming to make a game of it, they spiral up and around the trees each time. Rainy Sundays are a perfect backdrop for opening a new book, settling into my favorite big, blue chair with a cup of tea and losing myself in the unfolding plot. Now, deeper into my novel, I rearrange myself in the chair and glance out of the window. There, before me, I see a small figure crawling slowly, steadily across the brick walk from my Enchanted Garden. A reminder that days like this should be cherished and repeated often, a tiny snail toting his home on his back allows the cleansing rain wash away the grit from his smooth exterior. It is confirmed and I turn the page of my book to the next chapter. Dinner can wait, for I am in the moment – taking in the beauty of all that surrounds me - at a snail's pace.
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