Blog 186 – Sunday, July 5, 2009 Warm and muggy, temperatures in the high 80’s.
Sitting at my studio desk, my mind muses at how quickly time passes. The fourth in all its sparkle and patriotic red, white, and blue are quiet now. The summer evenings have begun to shorten and a new solstice is marching toward the horizon. Gathering paper to assemble yet another visual for upcoming classes in September, I remember the fireflies that I used to capture in a jar long ago. Not prevalent here in my now "corner of the world", I miss them - their steady glow blinking like a lantern on the porch rail. Popcicles dripping down my arm as I sat on the step in the quiet of the summer night, I would suck the colorful, sweet sugar syrup out of the frozen treat until all that was left was an icy stub. I recall the long, thin boxes of sparklers that held the metal rods coated with a magical substance that, when lit with my father’s match, would explode into a white blaze of streaks and sparks. Waving them around, I would draw quickly fading images into the air – imagining a Picasso-like canvas. Shaking my thoughts back into the present, the task at hand faces me and, I begin once again to sort my plan. Positioning letters on a twelve-by-twelve sheet of cardstock, it hits me – this is what it is all about. Preparation for teaching others the finer elements of sound design theory as it pertains to scrapbooking is keeping the past alive in our memories. Arming people with the tools they need to chronicle their past is an historic contribution. Moving more quickly now, ideas begin to hit me with rocket force as I jot down ways to convey to my students powerful ways to present their stories on the scrapbook page. This paper passion that has possessed me all of my life fuels my inner-self and drives me to share it with others in my own work and through inspiration to others for their personal use.
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