Blog 190 – Thursday, July 9, 2009 Partly cloudy but warm, temperatures in the upper 80’s.
Happy is the day that I spend time with my grandson and this is such a day. At the risk of sounding repetitive, I will mention again the change I can see in this miniature replica of his father, each time we are together. Now spending more time with each task he undertakes, his little brow furrows as he solves a new problem or masters a different skill. And what a joy to see his progressing sign language usage! Now adding “please” to his list of signing abilities, he is becoming quite the little gentleman. Continuing to impress us with his ever-increasing eye-hand coordination, the Tupperware Shape Sorter is always a chosen activity when we are together. The little problem solver now turns the shape in his hand before he pushes it toward its coordinating orifice. In the area of balance, there is none better in his age category as he scales the wall of his play yard (which now surrounds the entire perimeter of the living room) in less than two seconds. I, on the other hand, struggle to hike my short legs over this boundary when moving from the child-safe environment. Now, let’s discuss potty-training for a minute – now pulling and yanking at his shorts when the “urge” strikes him, racing for the potty chair (picture me following this little marauder who bounds over the fence while I am cheering him on – “hurry, you can make it!”) and then straddling the target – “ready, aim, fire”. Even naptime has changed – no longer can I rock and cuddle as he takes long draws on his bottle. No, he is a “big boy now” and reaches for his blanket – no longer calling it a bottle – he signs the word milk and settles down on his little futon, complete with screen-printed images of his beloved Backyardagins. And so it goes when Grannie and Isaac share time together, giving me plenty of time to realize how quickly this too shall change.
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