Ending the first week of the eighth month, today is a new beginning, a fresh page, if you will. When l think upon the passing year, I am staggered at how quickly time flows through the channels of my life, and if I really assess it, I am brought to a sobering account of all that has taken place – and all that has not. My conscious desire has been for many decades now, to please the Lord and make a difference in that tiny space of this universe of which I am a part. To glorify and magnify His name is my thesis in this world. I fail miserably so many times however, letting the days and hours and minutes slip through my grasp aimlessly, as if time were endless. Maybe this past weekend has given me opportunity to re-center myself due to the pure, clean vision of my grandson, as he drinks in his life experiences with innocence and abandonment of ritual or routine. Those examples are all around me – in each smile of my grandson, the tiny plant growing in the crack of the sidewalk, a squirrel busily gathering nuts, or the sound of a bird singing sweetly from a branch above. Yes, new beginnings – a fresh start – God’s grace is sufficient for today. And so, I am breathing in the gift of life He has given me – with praise and adoration. I shall magnify His name and look for a new way to make a difference this week, in the lives of others around me. I accept this mission – this challenge – and continuance of my thesis in this world.
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